
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Year's Resolutions - Linky Party

Clutter-Free Classroom is hosting a linky party all about your New Year's Resolutions - you know, for the new school year. Here's a few of mine:

1. To actually have my room organized and ready to go on the first day of class. I know that seems a little strange - but I had so little time to get it all together last year (besides the fact I had NO CLUE what I was doing) that I really want to have it all together this year.

2. To plan ahead further than a week. Again - I was flying by the seat of my pants last year and I hope to be more prepared and then hopefully more effective as a teacher because of that preparation.

3. To do some sore of literacy and math centers. I read these 3 books over the summer:

And I really hope to be able to put some of the fantastic ideas to good use this year. The books and discovering the world of teaching blogs has helped me to see what can be done in a classroom. I don't expect it to just happen this year, but I want to start - baby steps - working towards doing it all in years to come.

There's many, many more things that I want to do this year, but I think these 3 are good goals to focus on right now. Once I get them under control I can set some new ones. And I've made too head way on #1 over the last few days. I hope to share some pics of my room this weekend - I'd like to have it at least cosmetically done by Friday afternoon. Parents will be in my room starting Monday morning, but I will still have time to do prep work next week before the students in the classroom. Wish me luck!!

Oh, and make sure you head on over to Clutter-Free Classroom to check out everyone else's resolutions!

Clutter-Free Classroom

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